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Get to know the brazilian app Runens! (App Store)

Guided by the mantra that “running is social,” runens is a new, easy-to-use mobile app for the dedicated runner. It allows you to connect and compete with a worldwide community of like-minded running enthusiasts, boosting your motivation to run and the ability to achieve your running goals.


- Map your current run

- View your route on the map while running


- Visual indicator of your performance based on your goal

- Audio feedback on your progress throughout the run


- Use runens while listening to music on your regular music player

- Accept phone calls without interrupting your activity


- Anonymous activity sharing: inspire others and be inspired by those running now!

- Post your progress on Facebook, Twitter and Dailymile


- Track your progress on the leaderboards to see how you compare with others in your neighborhood and around the world

- Contribute to your neighborhood score and challenge other locations


- Keep track of your achievements

- Earn special medals for unique accomplishments

Link app store: http://itunes.apple.com/my/app/runens-gps-social-running/id428044873?mt=8