The data, put together in the infographic below, details that about 88% of doctors are in full support of patients tracking their health at home, using the aforementioned apps, especially for watching their weight, blood sugar levels and checking vital signs.
“With the forthcoming changes to the U.S. healthcare system, there will be an increased focus on wellness programs and preventative medicine,” said Chad Udell, managing director of Float Mobile Learning, when speaking to Mashable. “Mobile health offers a tremendous opportunity for people to become more involved in their own health and wellness.”
The research found that 80% of doctors use smartphones and medical apps, and indicated that physicians are 250% more likely to own a tablet than other consumers. Udell went onto note that doctors are buying tablets in droves, because the devices offer an easy way to stay in touch with their co-workers and patients, while the infographic noted that 56% of doctors are turning to mobile devices to make faster decisions. Another 40% said they can help reduce the time spent on administration work.
Fonte: TabTimes